Intura Case Study

Why Intura value their certified systems

Surat Basin service provider, Intura, delivers cost-effective solutions for electrical, instrumentation, mechanical and compliance across the energy and resource sectors throughout Queensland.

They sought ISO accreditation to become a better business and provide quality product and service delivery as they continued their phenomenal trajectory of growth in their region.


Why ISO certification?

In recent years, the Intura workforce has grown rapidly from 5 people to 300. The Intura management team recognised the value in having systems that would maintain the level of quality product they were putting into the market. With a growing workforce, it became even more imperative for them to have processes in place that anyone could follow to maintain their consistency of service, consistency of delivery and quality of delivery for their high-end clients.


Becoming a better business

For Intura, ISO certification is important for ensuring the delivery of products and services to their customers is consistent, correct the first time, and repeatable. Having systems in place allows for business continuity, so they are not reliant on any one person to achieve the quality output their clients expect. On the odd occasion when there is an issue with a product they provide, their systems provide the framework for guiding them to manage and rectify any non-conformances.

From the outset, Intura understood the reason they wanted to achieve ISO certification was not to tick a box for their clients, but to build a pathway for becoming a better business.


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If you're getting ISO certification to keep your clients happy, you're doing it for the wrong reason.

– Nick King, General Manager Customer Relations, Intura


How they found working with Southpac

Having started their ISO certification journey during Covid, and then experiencing significant growth of their workforce, finding the right time to seek certification was proving difficult for Intura. However, they found Southpac's auditors were flexible and helpful in their approach, and when it came time, the actions required to achieve certification were things they knew they needed to do in order to be a better business. Southpac's collaborative approach gave the Intura team peace of mind that they wouldn't be left to find the solutions for themselves – but instead were given the assistance and advice they needed to close out the actions in a meaningful way.

Intura are certified to:

Quality Management Systems Certification
Environment Management Systems Certification
Safety Management Systems Certification
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